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OsNAC3 regulates seed germination involving abscisic acid pathway and cell elongation in rice


OsNAC3 regulates seed germination involving abscisic acid pathway and cell elongation in rice


Huang ChengweiZhao JiaHuang QianqianPeng  LilingHuang  ZhiboLi  WenwenSun  ShanHe  YongqiWang Zhoufei




Seed germination is a critical trait for the success of direct seeding in rice cultivation. However, the underlying mechanism determining seed germination is largely unknown in rice. Here, we report that NAC transcription factor OsNAC3 positively regulates seed germination of rice. OsNAC3 regulates seed germination involving abscisic acid (ABA) pathway and cell elongation. OsNAC3 can directly bind to the promoter of ABA catabolic gene OsABA8ox1 and cell expansion gene OsEXP4, which consequently activates their expressions during seed germination. We also find that the expression of OsEXP4 is reduced by ABA during seed germination in rice. OsNAC3 regulates seed germination by influencing cell elongation of the embryo through directly affecting OsEXP4 expression and indirectly ABA-medicated OsEXP4 expression. The OsNAC3 elite haplotype is useful for genetic improvement of seed germination, and overexpression of OsNAC3 can significantly increase seed germination. We therefore propose that OsNAC3 is a potential target in breeding of rice varieties with high seed germination for direct seeding cultivation.

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